REMISOL Advance* Middleware

Focus on patients and results

Increased workloads, extensive documentation and a perpetual need to bridge talent gaps place demands on busy laboratories. For this reason, many are turning to advanced middleware server-and-software platforms for much-needed relief. The REMISOL Advance middleware clinical information management tool bridges LIS and instrumentation, providing real-time insights into operations to improve laboratory efficiencies.

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Video Community Regional Medical Center: Productivity

Learn how we helped this high-volume laboratory boost its productivity.

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Brochure REMISOL Advance Brochure

Driving Laboratory Efficiency through Advanced Informatics


REMISOL Advance Resources Downloadable Case Studies

Fresno Community Regional Medical Center

Learn how this medical center decreased TATs and increased the quality of its results.

El Camino Hospital

Find out how this hospital improved its overall laboratory efficiency.

Because of our entire solution—REMISOL Advance, the track [Power Express] and the AU5812 systems—the quality and consistency of our results are much better.
Chris hopfer
Community Regional Medical Center
*REMISOL Advance is a trademark or registered trademark of Normand-Info SAS in the United States and other countries. Used under license.
Not available in all regions. Contact your local Beckman Coulter representative for availability.