Advanced Informatics Solutions
Driving Laboratory Efficiency through Advanced Informatics
- Centralized management of laboratory instrumentation and data workflows to deliver high quality test results with short turnaround time
- Real-time operational analysis to support clinical and business decision-making
- Laboratory efficiency delivered through standardization, improved workflow and automated notifications
- Scalable infrastructure to minimize redundant capital investment and recurring costs across the care delivery network
Article Healthcare Middleware Drives Lab Efficiency
Cloud-based middleware solutions can help laboratories reduce turnaround time, address resource constraints and streamline workflow
Read articleVideo PCL Alverno: Achieving Quality Patient Care
Find out about the benefits of our clinical information management tools within a large network.
Watch videoFull Portfolio of Advanced Informatics Solutions

REMISOL Advance†
Embrace a new era of productivity with a proven middleware solution designed to optimize workflows.

Remote Services
Maximize instrument uptime and resolve issues with advanced remote service tool, enabling shortened service times.

DxONE Command Central
Centralized monitoring of laboratory instruments

DxONE Inventory Manager*
Complete management of consumable lifecycle

DxONE Workflow Manager*
Cloud-based middleware application for increased efficiency
Clinical Informatics Tools Enhance Diagnostics Solutions

†REMISOL Advance is a trademark or registered trademark of Normand-Info SAS in the United States and other countries. Used under license.