
Kelly Sager
General Manager & Vice
President, CDS Business Unit


Scott Levin, PhD
Senior Director of Research
& Innovation


Eric Hamrock
Senior Director Service &


Heather Gardner, MSN RN
Clinical Consultant Nursing
Informatics & Emergency Nursing

Sophia henry

Sophia Henry, MS RN
Clinical Consultant
Emergency Nursing - Triage

Stacy Icon CDS

Stacy Faught
Director of Commercial


Jeremiah Hinson, PhD MD
Medical Director, Research
& Innovation

Tobin Efferen, MS MD

Tobin Efferen, MS MD
Senior Medical Director,
Medical Scientific Affairs


Human-in-the-loop AI

“As the field of artificial intelligence has gained traction over the last decade, it has been well documented that the human + AI combination yields more powerful results than either alone.1 The most successful AI tools are designed to augment the human ability to aggregate information and make data-driven decisions.
We are committed to building research-backed, responsible AI solutions that provide clinicians with actionable insights at the point of care, empowering them to make better decisions for their patients.”

Kelly Sager
VP/GM CDS Business Unit


Explore Our Solutions

Learn more about our Clinical Decision Support software

TriageGO CDS


More Accurate Triage with Artificial Intelligence.

AI Powered tools

AI-powered Tools

Coming soon

AI Powered tools

AI-powered Tools

Coming soon

AI Powered tools

AI-powered Tools

Coming soon


Speak to a Representative about 

Clinical Decision Support

This product is only commercially available in the United States at this time. Please contact your Beckman Coulter sales representative for more information.

1. Sezgin E. Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Complementing, not replacing, doctors and healthcare providers. Digit Health. 2023 Jul 2;9:20552076231186520. doi: 10.1177/20552076231186520. PMID: 37426593; PMCID: PMC10328041.