Rising to a Global Challenge
As a growing cause of death and morbidity among older adults worldwide, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia are creating unprecedented challenges across health care. Heterogeneous in nature and presenting with a wide variety of symptoms, these highly complex diseases carry unique diagnostic challenges and limitations.1
At Beckman Coulter, we believe blood-based neurologic disease biomarkers will forever change how diseases are investigated, diagnosed, and monitored. From disease diagnosis and prognosis to enabling drug discovery and development, the opportunities for accessible and scalable diagnostic testing for neurodegenerative diseases are enabling clinicians and laboratory staff to reimagine the standard of patient care.
Neurological disease prevalence by the numbers

Fueled by epidemiological factors such as population growth, longer life expectancies, and the availability of novel therapeutics, we are facing a population that requires scalable, affordable, and easy-to-use testing in the core laboratory. We anticipate an unprecedented demand for reliable, highly sensitive blood-based testing for neurological diseases and beyond.