DxI 9000 Analyzer assay performance meets new CLIA 2024 goals with highest proportion of Six Sigma performance



The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) updates for 2024 are adding several new assays and tightening goals of several others by up to 40%. Understanding proficiency testing of current assays will help to identify which assays and instruments will pass the new guidelines and which will not.

In this study, Westgard QC independently assessed the performance of 13 assays on the DxI 9000 Immunoassay Analyzer* (Table 1). Imprecision and bias were calculated following CLSI and EP09 guidelines, respectively, and the sigma metric was calculated for each. Results were compared with those from competitor assays and analyzers.

Table 1. Assay analyzed in an independent Westgard QC study

Beta hCG Cortisol Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB) Estradiol
Folate Para-thyroid hormone (PTH) Total Prostate specific antigen (Total PSA) Testosterone
Troponin I Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Total Triiodothyronine (TT3) Free Thyroxine (FT4)
Vitamin B12

The study found:

  • The DxI 9000 Aalyzer assays “leads the diagnostic landscape” for six sigma performance under the new CLIA proficiency testing rules against competitive immunoassay analyzers from companies including Abbott, Roche, and Siemens
  • Half of the investigated assays achieved Six Sigma on the DxI 9000 analyzer
  • Up to 30% of competitor platforms showed 2–3 sigma, indicating potential failure in future proficiency testing

At a Glance

50 %
Of DxI 9000 assays achieved 6 Sigma
78 %
of DxI 9000 assays achieved 4, 5, or 6 Sigma
Competitor immunoassay analyzers tested


The analytical sigma metric provides a pathway for measuring an assay’s performance against a quality requirement. High-sigma assays have fewer errors in reportable results, are unlikely to face proficiency testing difficulties, and can be optimized for reduced Westgard Rules, reduced control levels, and potentially reduced quality control frequency. 

At Beckman Coulter, we are committed to revolutionizing the next generation in immunoassay testing with precision and sensitivity to drive innovations, advance medical insights, and enhance diagnostic availability.

Figure 1. Comparison of assay that achieved 6σ performance across 11 different immunoassay analyzers from five different manufacturers. Analysis demonstrated that the Beckman Coulter DxI 9000 Immunoassay Analyzer had more assays achieving 6σ than any of our competitors.

six sigma performance graph

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Discover what the Westgard QC group had to say about our hsTnI assay here

*Full Name: DxI 9000 Access Immunoassay Analyzer