Comparison of Platelet Count by 3 Methods: DxH 900,
Sysmex XN-9100 and Scopio X100




While the Complete Blood Count with Differential (CBC-diff) is a common test, counting platelets is challenging. Hematology analyzers use different methods to avoid interferences that could lead to inaccuracies. For example, for the most accurate platelet counting, Beckman Coulter hematology analyzers use VCS 360 technology with the enhanced Coulter Principle and sweepflow technology to ensure accurate platelet counting. Sysmex, on the other hand, uses Platelet F counting, an optional fluorescent method that requires additional time, reagents, and cost.

In this study, 98 K3EDTA samples were analyzed on the DxH 900 instrument (using the advanced Coulter Principle) and on Sysmex XN-9100 using impedance and fluorescent methods within 6 hours from blood draw. Blood films were prepared for 53 samples and Plt estimation from Scopio X100 were compared to Plt count from DxH 900.

The study found:

  • A correlation of 0.987 between the DxH 900 and the XN for impedance measurements (Passing-Bablok regression [DxH 900 Plt] = 0.994*[XN Plt-I]+2.5, p<0.0001)
  • Flags for further analysis were analyzed for a subset of 32 samples—4 samples were flagged on the DxH 900 and 21 were flagged on the Sysmex XN-9100
  • Even after rerunning in Plt-F mode, there were still 3 samples that required further review
  • Good correlation between the Scopio X100 platelet analysis and the DxH 900 platelet estimation by Passing-Bablok regression analysis, demonstrating that Scopio can be used to verify Plt analysis for flagged samples: [Scopio Plt] = 1.015*[DxH 900 Plt]+2.5, correlation coefficient 0.907 (p,0.0001).

At a Glance

K3EDTA blood samples
Flags on the Sysmex XN-9100
Flags on the DxH 900


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Learn more about Platelet counting on the DxH 900