Laboratory Improvement During a Pandemic

The challenges brought about by COVID-19 highlighted areas of improvement within laboratories. Learn how Performance Partnership has helped.
Laboratory Improvement During a Pandemic

Finding Laboratory Improvement Opportunities During a Pandemic

The challenges brought about by a crisis can serve as an opportunity to highlight areas within a laboratory that need improvement. Ultimately, the COVID-19 pandemic forced laboratories to keep staff safe while responding to the increase in laboratory testing.

Specifically, laboratories across the world began to face newly arisen challenges, such as:

  • Staff working in separate shifts on a rotating schedule
  • Fewer in-person interactions leading to a lack of communication
  • A tremendous influx in the volume of tests

The Performance Partnership team at Beckman Coulter utilized the Information, Communication, Transformation (ICT) approach to help laboratories overcome these unforeseen obstacles. To implement this approach, the team created tracker boards for laboratories to follow.

“We quickly realized that the laboratories didn’t have the resources to develop and implement the tracker boards on their own,” said Alexander Merkert, DBS Manager. “We utilized web-based and remote training sessions, which allowed us the closest and easiest interaction we could get with the laboratories, as onsite visits were not allowed.”

One laboratory in Basel, Switzerland was facing issues related to the coronavirus outbreak. "An increased amount of staff overtime combined with lack of communication and transparency, ultimately lowered the staff engagement level,” said Alexander.

Beckman Coulter Customer, Sales and Performance Partnership teams came together to help this laboratory. They identified the laboratory's situation and concerns, prioritized the top challenges and provided support to solve the issues in a timely manner. Once the laboratory's needs were prioritized, the teams created a tailored ICT approach.

The campaign began immediately, with tracker boards developed and implemented within approximately two weeks.

Implementation was a very positive experience for the whole laboratory. Staff identified the tracker board as their “huddle board” and used it as a motivation factor. Introducing the “huddle board” allowed for the transparency they needed to work on the right countermeasures.

Improved overtime, higher productivity and a highly engaged team was the outcome of this initiative. It was such a massive success that the ICT approach is being implemented in other laboratory departments to improve laboratory processes.

The Performance Partnership team established additional ICT boards in the region, continuing in the shared purpose of helping realize life’s potential. Learn how you can unlock hidden value throughout your laboratory network with the Beckman Coulter Performance Partnership program.

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The Beckman Coulter editorial team brings you timely news and resources focused on elevating clinical laboratory performance and advancing patient care.

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